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Bridges, Dentures and Implants

At Plaza Central Dentists Maroochydore we believe that very smile tells a story. Don’t let gaps or missing teeth stop you from telling your smile story.

Our team can offer you a variety of solutions to replace missing teeth. Where only one tooth is missing, a common and long-lasting solution is a dental implant which will fully replace the missing tooth and root.

In cases where only one or two teeth are missing, a dental bridge is the most common solution. A bridge will anchor a ceramic tooth in the gap to give you a seamless and continuous smile.

In cases where multiple teeth are missing, our team may recommend a removable denture. These will seamlessly fit in your jaw and leave you with a natural gap-free look.

What are the benefits of replacing missing teeth?

Aside from restoring your beautiful smile, replacing teeth provides other benefits including:

  • Removing pain caused by decayed teeth
  • Increased ease when brushing and flossing
  • Restoring functionality when biting or chewing
  • Ensuring teeth around a gap don’t move to compensate and become crooked